
God designed us to thrive in community! The mission of New Song...


Whether you are new to New Song or have been here a while, we know there...

Being Transformed Online!

Short reads with big impact. Follow along with New Song's pastors as we...


“Jesus said “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take...

Vision - Help People Know God

Mission - Practicing The Way of Jesus

What we're pursuing as we purpose to live out God's Dream for New Song Church:

Pursuit 1

The Presence of God
At New Song Church, we pursue the presence of God by seeking Him first and above all else

Pursuit 2

Transformational Discipleship
We pursue transformational discipleship by focusing on spiritual formation and every Christian’s destiny to progressively grow in Christlikeness.

Pursuit 3

Kingdom Community
We pursue relational community by living into the reality of the family of God and desiring unity across generational, racial, political, and economic divides.

Pursuit 4

Sacrificial Mission
We pursue sacrificial mission by giving, serving, and loving sacrificially in our homes, our church, our community, and the world.