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Being Jesus to new mothers by connecting generations of women in the Church.

Isaiah 40:11
He will tend his flock like a shepherd. He will gather the lambs in his arms. He will carry them in his bosom, and gently lead those that are with young.

The mission of Rise Like a Mother is to be Jesus to new mothers by connecting generations of women in the Church. Jesus often ministered to people’s physical needs before their spiritual ones, a practice we would like to model in this ministry.

Rise Like a Mother will pair new mothers with older sisters in the church who will come into the home for two hours once a week to hold the baby. Volunteers for this ministry are called “Deborahs” based on the story of Deborah rising like a mother for the children of Israel found in the book of Judges. The Deborah will sing, pray over, and read to the baby, giving the mother a short reprieve to do something at home that makes her feel refreshed.


New Mom? New Baby? Sleepless Nights! Shifting Hormones! Need Support?
Fill out the New Mom application

New Moms need your support. For Whom will you Rise Like a Mother? Join our mission to bring generations together in order to strengthen the family of God.
Fill out the Deborah application